Were in a great situation

I don?t think this has sunk in yet. I think it?s good that we have another off-day to think about where we?re at. The off-day is great, because C.C. will get his full rest. Obviously, Josh Beckett will get his full rest, too. But I think the off-day is a good thing. It?s nice to have these days to get your body right and your mind right. I don?t think it?s going to hurt us in any way.

What a team effort tonight. The stadium was loud. This is what you dream about as a player. Both teams were just waiting for something to happen early on. It was great that it was us that made something happen. Casey?s home run obviously set the tone for that big fifth inning. That?s the thing with the knuckleball. Some of them were nasty, and some we were just missing. Casey finally caught one of them. There?s nothing better than putting up a seven-spot in any game. To do it in this game tonight, that?s about as much fun as you can have. It was like a party in the dugout.


I?ll take credit for Jhonny?s homer. I told him to move up in the box, because some of Wakefield?s knuckleballs were just downright nasty and down in the zone. I told him to move up, and he just laughed. I don?t usually give guys tips on days I?m not playing, but I sometimes do with Jhonny, just because we talk about hitting a lot. But I usually don?t want to bother guys when they?re locked in. When I?m not playing, I kind of live through Jhonny, because I know he?s trying to go deep with every swing, just like me. And he did it tonight. I loved it. It seems like every game I don?t play, he goes deep. I get to mess around with him and towel him off and give him a cup of water.

Byrdie was great again tonight. He did the same thing Jake did. He just threw strikes and went after them. Hopefully, he starts getting the credit he deserves. We all kind of laughed when everybody was talking about how he shouldn?t have gotten that start in New York. Now he?s gone out and shut down two of the best offenses in the league in back-to-back starts.

We?re in a great situation, with C.C. going on Thursday. We?ve leaned on him all year, and we?re excited to have him out there. But it?s going to be tough. Josh Beckett?s one of the best pitchers in the league. One of the hardest things to do in sports is to finish a team off, because now they can go up there like they have nothing to lose. We just need to remember what we?re all about. Even though we?re up 3-1, we?re still more or less the underdogs that are on the verge of doing something special.


  1. rick@rickdevan.com


    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    In April, I hoped for a .500 season. By May, I thought “Hmmm, something may be going on here.” In

    June, I started telling everyone who wasn’t following the team “Look at these guys!” And now in mid-October the Indians are still doing it. This is absolutely amazing!

  2. dannygreenawalt@gmail.com


    Still work to do, but this is something special! Nice coaching Jhonny from the bench Ry-guy!

  3. damageinc157@yahoo.com

    I had lasik eye surgery today, but that didn’t stop me from watching you guys kick some a**! Stay focused, I know you guys will finish it Thursday. This city needs a Championship! We are so proud of you guys!

  4. aalmasy286@yahoo.com

    You guys ARE on the verge of doing something special and this city could not be prouder of our Cleveland Indians! I can’t wait to come watch you guys again on Thursday…GO TRIBE!!!

  5. mmihalic@kent.edu

    I seriously love your blogs, your great at focusing on key plays. AWESOME GAME TONIGHT!!! So much intensity I could feel it through the tv. I’ll be at the game Thursday reppin the sign and I can’t wait!! KEEP IT GOIN GUYS!
    GO TRIBE!!!!!!


  6. mlm8fy@virginia.edu

    GO TRIBE!!!!!!! I’m not surprised at all! You guys have been awesome and playing like a TEAM all season! It’s just too bad for everyone else that it took them until October to notice.
    In May I joined a facebook group called “Why bother, the Cleveland Indians are winning the World Series in 2007”. In the past two weeks it’s more than tripled in size! I know there’s still a lot of work to do but you guys have something special going on this season.

    Good luck! I can’t wait to watch Thursday! GO TRIBE!!

  7. cancer@pcmail.com.tw

    Hi Ryan,
    There is no doubt that IT’S TRIBE TIME NOW!!!!! We know Byrd has get the job done all year long, it’s great to see that he pitched so well tonight. Thanks for your tip that help Peralta hit a huge three run homer! Blake is awesome, too, especially when bases are empty, haha! Go Tribe, 5 more wins for World Series Champion!

  8. mggries@yahoo.com

    Hey Ryan: I thoroughly enjoy your blog.Great insight into the game and the clubhouse.You’re a great assett to the Indians on and off the field.My roots are in Cleveland and I root all the way from Alaska. 107 wins in 2007!

  9. newclevelander@yahoo.com

    Hi Ryan,
    Thank you! This series exemplifies the way the Indians have been playing all season… a solid Team. Keep on having fun… your fans are having fun too. Enjoy the day off. We’ll see you Thursday. Go Tribe!

  10. elisabethahlvin@yahoo.com

    Hi Ryan: GO TRIBE! We are cheering you on here in Alaska. My dad’s from Cleveland and I was raised to love the Indians! Can’t wait till Thursday!

  11. ggenti40@mercyhurst.edu

    Hey Ryan-

    I just missed you tonight at the parking lot 😦 Byrd, Lewis, and Lofton did some signing so I was happy I went (Jensen is such an incredible person). Going to the lot is something I do on a rare occasion because I’m sure you all are tired and want to get home after the game.

    The stadium was intense tonight. My section was having a blast competing with the section next to us on who could yell the loudest “WWWOOOOOOO”. It was great.

    Anyways, have a great day off. I think some friends and I are going to come downtown to watch the game at a bar on thursday. I want to be sorrounded by the downtown atmosphere when you guys take it all from Boston!

    Rest up! You’ve got a World Series ahead of you!


  12. jason@sikorski.org

    Ryan, your comment about Jhonny’s home run is a perfect example of why the 2007 Tribe is so good. Every single player in that dugout is doing *something* to help the team win, regardless of whether or not they’re playing. That’s “teamwork” at its best, and it separates the good teams from the great teams.

    Just keep going, one game at a time.. oh, and if you think the crowd was loud tonight – show Mr. Beckett the door on Thursday and you might have trouble hearing for the next couple weeks.

    GO TRIBE!!!

  13. clairep@att.net

    I just happened upon this blog, and I think it is great to hear everything that is going on from the perspective of a Indians player. I am currently living in San Francisco and I am hoping to come home to Cleveland if you guys go all the way to the World Series! Keep up the great teamwork!

    Go Tribe!

  14. clairep@att.net

    I just happened upon this blog, and I think it is great to hear everything that is going on from the perspective of a Indians player. I am currently living in San Francisco and I am hoping to come home to Cleveland if you guys go all the way to the World Series! Keep up the great teamwork!

    Go Tribe!

  15. clairep@att.net

    I just happened upon this blog, and I think it is great to hear everything that is going on from the perspective of a Indians player. I am currently living in San Francisco and I am hoping to come home to Cleveland if you guys go all the way to the World Series! Keep up the great teamwork!

    Go Tribe!

  16. jonibaloney2003@yahoo.com

    I have been watching the Tribe’s games every day, all year, on MLBTV.com over the internet from Las Vegas.My Mom watches the games in Lorain, Ohio, and we talk just about every day. WE KNOW what the Tribe is capable of. Ryan, your reports are fun to read. Thanks for taking the time. My daughter, attending SMU, also gets in on the 3 generation baseball act, and stays current with the Tribe. We are going to the World Series, and we are going to win it.

  17. slk108@yahoo.com

    I remember the first game that I watched this season and saw you on the field. I wasn’t sure who you were at that point…I thought I was having a Thome flashback with you two having the same number, playing the same position, and wearing the high socks. I called my mom and asked her who was number 25 and she said it was you. I had not heard of you before this year, but you were instantly my new favorite player!!!! You have done a GREAT job this year with the Tribe!!! I love reading the blog to get a players prespective of the game and the home field crowd!!! I am rooting for you in Toledo and am planning on coming to Cleveland WHEN the Tribe makes it to the World Series!!! It’s Tribe Time Now Baby!!!

  18. tlee6565@aol.com

    another win by cleveland.. well done…you might want to fix your blog though.. Peralta hit the homer off a high fastball from Delcarmen, not wakefield…

  19. kimberly_lauver@yahoo.com

    CLEVELAND ROCKS!!! How many times have you guys watched Major League this season?!!? lol Anyway-AWESOME game tonight as usual-the whole team stepped up to the plate and took it! Byrdman was crazy! Love it! Enjoy your day off 🙂

  20. yankeesbuychampionships@yahoo.com

    Ryan – this is a blast watching these games and Casey (who is my favorite player) was the new hero. Keep having fun and keep the pressure on. Remember the Sox beat the Yanks 4 straight. Things to do happen. But I believe this time, CC is going to pitch a great game and the Evil Empire #2 will be history. You guys are defining the word TEAM – everyone chips in with no egos – realizing that everyone does make mistakes but there are always another player picking them up. GO TRIBE !!!!!

  21. midglet747@aol.com

    I may be a Sox fan, but am a baseball fan first. What the Indians are doing is so exciting–reminds me of the ’04 Sox. Believe it or not, I’ll be rooting for your team on Thursday. The Indians deserve to go all the way. Savor and enjoy every minute of it.

  22. dannyz69@sbcglobal.net

    Jsut keep doin what you guys are doin. I LOVE YOUR BOLG. It is simply awesome, and your ball playin is better, especially as a team. see you finishin off the Socks Thursday. Would love to see you sometime here soon. Kyle wants to get to a game but tickets are outta this world. We were at game 2 vs the Yanks. Thought that was good but you guys just keep doin more.

    Love ya,

    Dan & Kyle Zabarsky


  23. seecoin@yahoo.com

    Good morning, Ryan & Tribe fans: CONGRATULATIONS, AND YEA FOR US!!!! One more game! I hate it when Garko’s on the bench, but it was still an outstanding effort. Cant’ wait until Thursday, I’ve already taken the day off work on Friday, because I intend to celebrate with my hometown all night!! Great luck, Cleveland loves you 🙂


  24. erb.ashley@gmail.com

    Like Aunt Donna just said to me in an email…We all might be celebrating more than a wedding in a few weeks! :)We’re all behind you Ry!

    As Big Body would say “Do work son!”THE TRIBE IS GOING ALL THE WAY!


  25. bloomingrose11377@orlandobloom.ws


    That was such an amazing game last night!! It was so exciting to watch that 7 run inning. Did you notice that you guys seem to do everything with two outs? That really shows how the team can pull together and come up with something good when it counts the most.

    Hey, whatever happened to the rally pie? Trot’s been slacking lately!

    I love this blog and I’m so glad that you take the time to do it. One more game to go!!!


  26. nucat01@hotmail.com

    Ryan, if this whole playing baseball thing doesn’t work out, it looks like you might have a career as a batting coach… or even a sports writer. 🙂

    I’m so excited you all are playing so well. I’ve gone to spring training with my parents for the past 4 years and even caught some buffalo games when you all play in richmond… and it’s great to see you make it to the post season. I’ve been wearing my indians t-shirts at the gym all week. go tribe!


  27. erinkarla@hotmail.com

    I was so happy for you guys after watching this game! We need to wrap up this series in Cleveland! Congrats to you all, enjoy your day off, and please keep writing these blogs, it’s a wonderful way to know what is going on behind the scenes!

  28. yoderflin@yahoo.com


  29. infernodragon02@msn.com

    ‘Nother game, ‘nother win. One more game. Believe it? C.C’s revenge.

    Incredible how they’ve trashed us all and our city, and look what’s been happening.

    You give us something to cheef for.

  30. malteseqt@oh.rr.com


    Wow. This team is simply amazing. I am stunned at the greatness of our players. You all should be so proud of your accomplishments and keep that spirit going! I knew a while back that this year would be different. All of you are so tuned into everything, and the pitching is sensational! We have 1 more to go, and then, the Series. The two best teams in baseball battling it out over a span of 7 *************, what an achievement. All of you have worked so hard this year, you deserve to go all the way, baby. Let’s do it this year! We are sick of saying, “We’ll get ’em next year….” Please Gark, let’s do it this year! We are all behind you. And, we all love you!

    GO TRIBE!!!!!

  31. btownheater@yahoo.com

    I just want to say thank you so much! I’m from Vermont and I’m visiting my family in Cleveland this week. I have had to deal with soooooo much **** from those cocky Red Sox fans all season long! It is so wonderful to finally shut them up! Thank you! I love you! Go Tribe!

  32. rippinmics2003@yahoo.com

    Hey Ryan!!! Love the blog. congrats on another win!!! Let’s take it to ’em on Thursday!!! This has been such an exciting season…I am so happy for you guys!!! i couldn’t be more proud to say I’m an Indians fan. I got razzed all year from Tiger fans…but i kept my mouth shut. I just let you guys do the talking for me.
    lol victor

  33. jpaumi48@aol.com

    1 more! You can do this! How about Jhonny Peralta?!and Casey “the bearded wonder”?! Awesome! I’m so excited for you guys. GO Tribe!

  34. gardewin@sbcglobal.net

    Great comments, particularly the words about Paul Bryd. He totally deserves the good words and much more. And, wasn’t that a great catch Drubie made! Think we are all savoring these moments. Here is hoping that C.C. will be all he can be in game 5. Ayy, don’t want to say too much more because don’t want to ‘bachi’ (jinx) anything. You all have made this a very, very memorable October. Go Tribe.

  35. jerandal@cox.net

    Hey Ryan…thanks for another great blog. These are great!

    I was fortunate enough to be there last night. As we were heading into the bottom of 5th, I sent a text to my boss that said “this is going to be our inning”. Little did I know…GREAT JOB!

    Cleveland loves you guys. Keep up the momentum. I’ve said it before, and I have to say it again…you guys are confident, yet not cocky (just like Manny, right?…LOL!)

    See you tomorrow. Enjoy the day off, and good luck. Let’s wrap this series up and head to the big show!


  36. geo_cindy@hotmail.com

    OMG Ryan!!!!! I’m so excited for you and the Tribe. I’m having a very hard time concentrating at work right now. I’ll see you Thursday! 😉

  37. kh220704@ohio.edu

    I know the most important game is always the next one for athletes. Well, it’s the same for me. I’m studying abroad in Adelaide, Australia, and will definitely be hoping for the clincher on what will be Friday at 9:30 a.m. for me.

    I’ve been an Indians fan forever. It figures that the Tribe goes on this incredible run while I’m out of the country. I don’t get back to the U.S. until November 3, but will gladly leave during each postseason if the team sees it as necessary. I’ll stay tuned.

    GO TRIBE!!

  38. ohsuellen@aol.com

    Early in the season it did not take long for me to believe this Tribe Team had something going for it. No super stars but quiet determination. That was only a couple of weeks after my son had been deployed to Kuwait. (John is a Naval Reservist and he was activated to serve on the ground in Kuwait for 6 months. A tough time for all of us especially his wife and 2 daughters.) It was in April I began to email John with game scores and highlights (often while the game was in progress) including the oddity of our home games in Minneapolis. May arrived and I knew I was on to something with you guys. My fondest wish was that my son would be home in time to see the Indians in the World Series. John’s plane touched down in Norfolk last night. This Tribe Fan and my Patriotic Tribe Fan Son Thank all of you. You kept him going when he was lonely and needed a lift.


  39. scandalous_rob_o2@yahoo.com

    Wow, Awesome game. I knew when “Mountain Man” Casey Blake hit that solo shot, that the game was ours. Now it’s your turn, Game 5, get you one Ryan! The World Series Is Ours! good luck man.

  40. lklerud@hotmail.com

    Ryan, Thanks for the great blog. Last nights game was awesome. We live in Norway and are big Indians fan. We cant wait to get to the usa next summer. Indians games are the first thing we do..
    My son use to have a favorite player, but yesterday i asked him what kind of shirt he wanted next summer, and he want them all. Every player on the team is his favorite player now.. You all are great. We stayed up to 4.30am to finish the game last night. But its worth it…




  41. jdanniballe@hotmail.com

    Ryan – I just got tears in my eyes reading your blog and the fans’ responses. This team is special. Our city has been through so much adversity – and here is this team that plays together, supports each other, has a different hero every night, and genuinely likes each other … what a model for us. You are inspiring so much hope and joy. Thank you! Have a great day off and close the deal tomorrow!

  42. majercis@canisius.edu

    dear ryan-
    i drove in from school in buffalo yesterday to go to the game and it was definitely well worth the trip! just remember to stay focused. there are so many people behind you guys rooting for you no matter what happens! Honestly when they started playing the clips at the beginning of the game last night about what you guys did to get to the spot your in now, i got tears in my eyes. you guys have come so far and its so wonderful to see you go out there every night and just play baseball. its not about the fame or the fortune its about the game. and i love that about our team. people made the biggest deal when we played the yankees that we were no where near as highly paid as they are, but since when does money make you a good ball player.

    good luck on thursday! i’ll be rooting for you! this is our year!!!


  43. locke_becki@yahoo.com


    I sooo love you. Marry me! 🙂 Seriously, you are the most confident man. The fact that you can come out of the ballpark and post a blog about each and every game..is amazing in itself. THIS IS A CLEVELAND PLAYER!!! You have LOVE for the game, and that is RARE these days! I love you for that! Please don’t ever leave CLEVELAND!! You are a beautiful individual, as a player and a person! GO TRIBE and let’s send those beaners packin back to “Bawstin”..hah! ROCK ON!!!! THANKYOU!!!!!

  44. g.hammill@yahoo.com

    Three down and one to go. And that one’ll be the hardest. But no one who has watched you guys play this season has any doubt that you will earn your way into the WS. I have been excited every night watching and waiting to see who will be the hero. Last night Byrdie was phenomenal. The only problem was that long sixth inning wait. But I’ll take the 7 runs anytime.
    Keep it up, guys. You make us all proud to be Indians fans. Go Tribe!!

  45. mossgoldensrule@comcast.net

    I have watched the players on both the Yankees and the Red Sox and do not see in them what the Indians have. A nucleus! A team! Concerned how others are doing and not just themselves. Stay humbled and feel blessed. Jennifer from PA

  46. mhcat606@yahoo.com

    great job again last night…i am so proud of everyone of you! i get all teary eyed when i hear how you guys are more like a family than just a team…it’s just so awesome how much you guys all care about each other, that is one of the reasons you guys are doing so well. i cant wait to watch you guys play tomorrow night, i’m not sure what i’m going to do tonight w/ out baseball to watch lol enjoy today and good luck tomorrow!! i have all the faith in the world in CC, he’s going to get the revenge he deserves!!! have fun tomorrow night…IT’S TRIBE TIME NOW!!! lets win it tomorrow night at home!!! i love you guys!!!

  47. sseelie@msn.com

    Not to overuse an old saying but…”there is no ‘I’ in team” and you guys are making that point at every game. I love watching you all play the game with such heart and character. We are rootin’ for ya’ll down here in TX. Althought we were born and raised in Cleveland, my husband and I moved away in the mid 80s. But we are still exuberant fans and have passed this on to our kids. My son has been wearing his Chief Wahoo tie to school everyday and driving his algebra teacher, who is a Boston fan, nuts! We love you guys…GO TRIBE!!!

  48. ea266105@ohio.edu


    I am a 20 year old college student who has been a die-hard fan my entire life. Pre-season, when I saw the moves Shapiro was making, I knew something special was going to happen this year – I’ll even admit I thought about the World Series. As a fan, seeing a dream come true right in front of my eyes is a happiness I couldn’t have imagined.

    You are a big part of this team and one of the reasons why the Indians are in this position. Thanks for your blog postings, thanks for playing the game it ought to be played – with class, and most importantly… Go Tribe.


  49. gems4deb@wildmail.com


    I totally love reading your blogs after the game — thanks for the time you put into this and giving us your detailed perspective of things! I’ve been telling all my friends since June the Tribe is going all the way this year! The Jake was rockin last night…it was so much fun to be there for all the excitement! I wish I was going on Thursday again. You guys are such a joy to watch, and the thing that makes you all special is that no one has an ego. You all help each other and root for each other and play as a team…and that’s so rare nowadays. From the offense to the defense, you guys are there for each other. And the fans are here for all of you! Keep it going!!! WE LOVE YOU GUYS!!! GO TRIBE!!!

  50. ebell@insight.rr.com

    Ryan / Tribe,
    I am a lifelong sports fan (Indians,Browns,Buckeyes). In all of my years of watching sports I have never seen a “team” such as this. The chemistry in our dugout is second to none…any sport..any city…any season. The city of Cleveland and all of Ohio could not be more proud of the guys that make up our team. I guess theres only one thing left to do….win the whole F-in’ thing! Go Tribe!

  51. imperialagent@yahoo.com

    This is amazing. My husband and I drove up to Cleveland from North Carolina this weekend to watch Saturday’s game from the Jake and had the best baseball game experience ever. (Even better than Grady’s inside-the-park HR, for which we were fortunate enough to be in attendance, and that was awesome.) I wish we could have still been up there to see games three and four, because Cleveland is home to us and the atmosphere there is really something special. But, we have been cheering like crazy from our new home in NC.
    I can’t wait for Thursday! You guys are the best.

  52. drfunk1509@aol.com

    Garko man I’ve been a huge fan of yours since you were a September call up in ’05. It’s just awesome to see guys like you who are products of the farm system doing well and making a name for themselves out there. Keep up the good work and GO TRIBE!!! We’re 27 outs away from the series!

  53. asa@freshpulpgroup.com

    Thanks for kicking butt Ryan. Much love from an Indians fan out in SoCal. Give Jhonny one more tip from us: tell him to step on Manny next time he slides into 2nd. You’re an inspiration to all of us, and it was a ton of fun watching you read the lineups before the game. Now go GIT R DONE!

  54. jamindc@hotmail.com


    Its great to read your blog?and the feeling I have of you as a person is that you are an easygoing one?..from all your MLB interviews?.to all the recap articles your comments are quoted or posted throught out the season. Besides that..man you are always available for comments?or..you have an exlcusive deal with the media ehh Tell us the truth

    Well?its been an amazing season?truly?I live in Mexico City..and always been an Indian fan ( I even have a Cleveland native teacher who brought me indians merchandise stuff). Here in Mexico is difficult to catch your games on tv..but I paid the MLB extra innings just to see how your season goes. And oh my god It has been wonderful.

    Every pitch?play?I take it very seriously?anxiously?.nerve-racking??Ill need something for a heart attack. I get too nervous?in 1997 I couldnt watch completely the game I Was so nervous I turned off the Tv?only to mintues later switched it on. I criedddddddddd that year, but it was a great world series. Its great to see the youth (yourself and many of your teammates have) and experience (Nixon, byrd, Borowski and LOFTON). Man..just to see Lofton back is awesome..great memories?he was my favorite player back then.

    Well..you are what a team stands up for Man, I remember the days when Travis, Victor, Peralta..Grady..etc.. (obviously yourself)…started playing?.and me getting used to your names?because I knew Shapiro had a plan?it was hard to swallow all the trades..ba..bla?but things happened for a reason. You are the best example?you were the last Indian player to be added tod the roster before starting camp Everybody said you had to work hard to be a ?average to good? first baseman. You achieved it and surpassed it

    Just watching you fall in Game 3?tv replays showed your face expression..it was like man..Im going to be on the bloopers section?but Ill come back I owe it to Westbrook. YOU ARE HAVING FUN I envy you guys ?on that bench all the vibes, karma?are great.. I wish I could be there talking, goofing around. Keep on doing that

    Im proud of this team….even though Im miles..miles..miles away (continental promo jaja)?Ill cheer, yell, cry , support you by all means My heart and soul are on the Indians?even once like 3 years ago I wrote a letter to Mr. Shapiro asking for work because of the love I have for this team (even though back then you lost 96 games)..he politely answered me back..and encouraged me to keep on trying. Man its a classy organization.

    At home with my family, at work..my friends call me crazy?but every single day I followed your boxscores?in the morning I always checked the recaps, what ESPN , the plain dealer was saying of you guys?.look Even Terry Pluto changed to another paper and I kept reading what he is writing of you guys. Now that you are on the playoffs?I cant wait to go to internet next morning to see al the interviews, read all the articles..its been great..Keep on the ride?5 to go GO TRIBE I hope my English wasnt that bad and understandable

    Cheers , Pablo Rodriguez Biggest Mexican Fan

  55. laurie_loves_gators@yahoo.com

    I realize that I am probably only repeating what others have written, but I, too, am so impressed with the teamwork and camaraderie I see every night. This is in stark contrast to Manny’s reaction to his home run – watching it sail over the fence and both arms raised. That really bugged me. Red Sox were still losing – did he not know the score, or was he just showing off? I am proud that we are beating them – esp Manny. Anyway, one more win til the World Series – I know we’ll come down for a game! Keep up the great work and know that we are all behind you!

    p.s. Keep up those great coaching tips, too! NICE!


  56. salisbury.nick@gmail.com

    Mr. Garko

    It’s been an incredible season, and I hope you guys can bring Cleveland a World Series championship.

    I’m actually posting for a favor… My friend Oliva has just become a Tribe fan this year, and she is a huge Ryan Garko fan. I was hoping you could send her an email at olivia.lomeli@gmail.com just to say hello.

    Either way, keep up the great work and GO TRIBE!

  57. mlbtribefan@sbcglobal.net

    I told everyone I had a daydream on Sunday that the Indians started their season in the snow playing their hearts out and will end their season in the snow playing their hearts out. In Colorado it will snow! Call me crazy but it will snow. The bottom line: The Tribe will find a way to win and must close out these SOX to do it! Tribe in 5! Don’t keep the Red Sox nation alive! Go Tribe!

  58. southpaw1978@yahoo.com

    Ok im gonna start this off as nice as possible.Some of you Indians fans are jumping over to our page posting lame comments.So I am not here to post lame comments I hope Cleveland has more to offer than “girlie man”and calling us “dirtbags”.So for the real Indians fans I have this to offer.Are you the least bit concerned that Beckett can win tomorrow and bring the series back to Boston?

  59. npc_pronk29@sbcglobal.net


    You and the guys just keep doing the same thing you’ve done the whole post-season. Your one win away from something special, congrats on the win and good luck Thursday. I was there last night and wish I could be there Thursday.

  60. patriots122483@aol.com

    i hope you realize that if you lose game 5 you are going to lose the series. the bloop hits,seeing eye singles, and home runs that clear the fence by 6 inches will soon stop. jake westbrook will choke in game 7. he cannot handle the pressure especially not being at home.

  61. jason@sikorski.org

    southpaw1978 – every major sports team has disrespectful fans, Boston included. We can’t control them any more than you can, so I would suggest that you deprive them of the very thing they crave most — attention — and move on.

  62. callmefrantic@yahoo.com

    ok. to red sox fans smacking cleveland fans’ comments: THIS IS THE RYAN GARKO AND TRIBE FAN PAGE. GO AWAY! don’t go away mad, just go away. To the one guy in particular: Are we concerned about Beckett beating us? Am I concerned about getting in a car accident every day? It could happen any second but I’m not focusing on that while I’m driving. Beckett is a heck of a pitcher so DUH! we don’t think it’s gonna be a cake win or anything but we focus on the win we can get, not the loss that could happen. Go Tribe!

  63. lilalover300@yahoo.com

    GOOD call callmefrantic, this is for talk about our tribe and Garko, not for redsox fans to post excuses…love you GARK, YOU GUYS ROCK! GO TRIBE AND…nation who?

  64. windycityg16@yahoo.com

    WAHOO!!!!!! I have been impressed all season with the Tribe. Watching gamecast on foxsports. Checking my phone for up to date scores. Pretty intense baseball fan for a girl! I even had a fantasy team with some friends and drafted the entire Tribe roster for my team! I am so glad you are doing this blog Ryan. Everytime I get tense watching the game, everything seems to go our way. You guys are great and It’s awesome that each night a new player pitches in. GO TRIBE from Chicago!!!! Ryan you need to have a Q&A section with the fans!!

  65. patlilly@cleveland-indians.net

    Way to go…Please tell the rest of the guys we are behind all of you all the way all the time….Good Luck thursday…WE LOVE OUR TRIBE

  66. amorosojohnson@yahoo.com

    Great games!! Cheering for the Indians…”priceless!”

    Thanks for your blog! It’s fun to get an insider’s view.

    My mom watched your progress from your minor league days. We lost her to cancer two years ago, but I think that she’s watching her team from the best seats in the house:)

    Let’s Go Tribe!!!

  67. schniggs77@yahoo.com

    Hey Gark, Great job, You guys look like you are having fun. Tell C.C that his whole hometown is rooting for him. We are having a clinching party in Walnut Creek Tomorrow. I like how everyone on the team remains grounded, I have been a TRIBE fan for 30yrs and this is the best group of guys I have seen! TRIBE IN FIVE! CHRIS

  68. rank555@aol.com


    Growing up in Cleveland in the 50’s, my interest in baseball was the Sports Section of the Plain Dealer… looking to see if Chief Wahoo was smiling or frowning. He would be smiling now… and is!!

    This is my first year as a real fan… thanks to a friend of mine in Cleveland who is as true to the Indians as they come. At first I kept notes to remember each player, but it didn’t take long to recognize all of you, as I spent many evenings watching games and waiting for the STO post-game interview and pie. I am proudly displaying a red “It’s Tribe Time Now” towel on my front door, surprising family and friends with my devotion as a fan. Watching the team this year has been a pleasure… your spirit, attitude, composure, motivation and skills make every moment special. At any age, when you least expect it, you can follow and love baseball… what a great game!! GO TRIBE… you’re the very best!! I am honored to be a true-blue fan for the first time in my life. Thank you!!!!

  69. hpinke@aol.com

    Thanks for your blog everyday! It’s very fun to read and it is nice to hear that the tribe players are genuinely a “team” and not just trying to be superstar individuals. Thanks to all of you for being the classiest team in baseball! Keep your eye on the World Series goal, and not on the homerun ball (Manny)!

    It’s Tribe Time Now!

  70. sarann0826@aol.com

    lilalover and callmefrankic: Yeah we’re sayin’ the same no to you.. but to the cleveland fans that have come over to our blog.. ours is about sox fans talking to THEIR beloved Youkilis and the team.. and how we need to get things done.. but we cant do that with some cleveland fans.. a lot of clevland fans posting over there.. everything we post is being critized even if its not to them.. and the sox fans that have been over here havent really gone as far as some cleveland fans have.. one took it apon themselfs to e-mail me and say ****.. that isnt right! when i didnt even say anything to them.. i wa just talking to youk.. ilis.. this will be my one and only post on here.. i hope clevleand fans can just bad off.. its getting anouying.. not saying u dont have any class but.. if some cleveland fans think we have no class then thoughs fans need to think before they go that low as on did to me..

    Cleveland Team: You guys are amazing! You do deseve to win the WS! You a really good team.. and its time that clevealnd gets a WS.. Your really making it heard on the Red Sox.. you’re making it so we cant play the game we do and i think thats great for you.. i AM a long time Sox fan.. but also a baseball fan.. And just as the sox have amaming players so do you guys!

    ❤ hope you’ll read

  71. susiekilgore@hotmail.com


    Great job with the blog. It has been really wonderful to read it through a players eyes-especially one with as much heart and passion for the game as you. They definitely picked the right guy for the job.

    Good luck tomorrow night, as everyone (including some soxs fans) have been saying-it is our time now! I am so excited not only for the team to have this experience but also for this city. It has been a long time coming for Cleveland, and we have been in this spot before, but I know that this team does have something special about it and will bring the WS trophy home. Nothing would make me happier than seeing you guys take it all (especially if you could take it all in game 7 at home-got tickets today)! You truly play with not only talent, but heart and class as well.

    Best wishes and Go Tribe!

  72. pkjenkins1978@hotmail.com

    Ryan, you all are terrific! My husband has been a tribe fan all of his life (50) years and I have been a Cardinals fan. Being from Ohio we watch a lot of Cleveland games as well as attend. Last year I got to have fun watching my Red Birds win. This year is my husband’s year…Tribe Time!! I support you guys all the way. It is so much fun watching you all play and interact with each other. Getting along is not something we saw with the Cardinals last year. It’s a breath of frest air. We’ll be watching tomorrow night and we’ll be behind you all the way! Great job witht he blog. We’ve been reading for quite a while now. GO TRIBE!!

  73. krtrumpet@aol.com

    I’ve very much enjoyed reading your thoughts throughout this post-season. I’m living in the DC area nowadays but hail from Northeast Ohio and have been an Indians fan for as long as I can remember. I did make it back for a couple games this summer (including the division-clinching game) and wish I could be there to cheer you guys on this week!

    I’ve been a fan through good seasons and bad, but it’s definitely a great feeling to have something to back up my loyalty!

    I’m so proud of you guys and hope you will be able to hear me cheering you on across the miles on Thursday night! It is most definitely Tribe Time Now!!

  74. missybee811@yahoo.com

    hey Ryan!

    I have been an Indians fan ever since I was little, thanks in part to my mom, Marge, the biggest Tribe fan I know (she’s the tour guide at the Jake who gave you and Josh the giveaways to add to your collection). I thoroughly enjoy reading each and every one of your posts. I love experiencing the playoffs through your eyes- I not only get a sense of what its like to go to your first Championship series, but also what kind of a person you are. You are one of my favorite players in all of MLB bc you are truly humble, and you play for the love of the game. I’ve been a fan of yours ever since you got called up, because I can tell you play with your heart and soul.If anything proves that, it’s this blog. It’s been so exciting watching this team come together and defy all odds. Keep playing with your minds and most importantly with your hearts- with all the passion and love you have for the game and you will never go wrong.

    ❤ Missy

  75. jorae4195@ameritech.net

    Ryan- Go Tribe! Take it to ’em! One more to go for this round, but like Wedge says one game at a time. Just stay focused and relaxed and know the whole town,state and half (or maybe more)of the country are all behind you and the TEAM! This has truly been an awsome team no matter the outcome, just remember we all are with you every step of the way! Have fun and GO TRIBE!!!

  76. kelly121059@yahoo.com

    Gark-SEAL THE DEAL. Finnish it tomorrow. It was great watching the Yankees cry but I think this may be even better watching red sox nation boo-hoo in there clam chowder while drinking there SAM ADAMS. TO THE SOX FANS CRASHING THIS PARTY-DON’T YOU HAVE SOME **** TO SURF.

  77. roll_tribe@hotmail.com

    Anyone else think that Chip Caray should be banned from calling any Major League Baseball game that isn’t a Cubs or Braves regular season game?

    Hey Chip, the Yankees are not “leading the world” in home runs; no matter how hard you wish, it’s just not true.

  78. wolfpa9223@aol.com

    We need to keep Beckett in mind. He pitched a fabulous game in game 1. I think from that, you will see certain hitters being more cautious. I mean lets be honest, Hafner is due for a BIG at bat come tomorrow night. Sizemore needs to deliver as well. We can’t let Beckett get us early in the count, we need to be defensive and keep those bats up so we can figure him out. Its going to come down to the pitchers in this one. We know pretty much every batters weakness for Boston, and we need to keep in mind, these guys can kill some of these balls. Look at the back to back to back home runs the other night, its something we need stop early in the game. Byrd did a great job with shutting that down last night, but we need Sabathia to want this. We know he does, and we know he wants this most likely more then anybody else. Lets finish these Boston folks were not screwing around anymore, and deliver that final blow that will shut the national media up. Im sick of hearing about these **** Yankees, and Red Sox. ITS TRIBE TIME NOW. I feel better then I did in ’95, granted I was 9 yrs old and didnt know how big this will be for us. All I know is we will prosper, even if we have to go back to Boston and take them in their home town. The punch from Cleveland has been delivered to Boston, just give them the knockout right in the face. GO CLEVELAND. You rock Garko.

  79. leann.paradise@hotmail.com

    Ryan –
    It is KILLING me to not be in Cleveland this October!!! I would give just about anything to come see you guys. I’m just glad you’re finally on national TV — I live in DC now and have had to get all my updates this year from my mom. NOBODY AROUND HERE GET IT AT ALL!

    Watching this year’s squad, I can’t help but think of my grandma. She was, and always will be, the biggest Tribe fan I’ve ever known, and we laid her to rest the day the ’95 crew won the AL pennant. What she admired the most was the love that that team had for the game. I think she would have been blown away by you guys! You especially, Ryan…reading your blog has demonstrated to me that your classy sportsmanship on the field is characteristic of the gentleman within. You’re my fav!

    While I have the chance, though, I want to give some extra special love to Jensen Lewis, too — we were at Vanderbilt at the same time (didn’t know each other, unfortunately). I am SO PROUD of my fellow Commodore!

    Ryan, you’re all in my thoughts and prayers going into tomorrow’s game. My little sis is coming to visit me in DC tomorrow, so I will FINALLY have someone to watch it with! Bring it on home, boys. The whole Tribe family is with you!!!

    With LOTS of Love,


  80. tfedde@cox.net

    My Dad was from Cleveland and I’ve been a Tribe fan as long as I can remember–I have NEVER been this excited about the team. Not even in ’95 when I got kicked out of my college sorority for skipping a formal to watch game 3 of the World Series, or in ’97 when I watched that unforgettable game 7 at a sports bar with some friends during a Nebraska ice storm, did I feel as much a part of the team or the experience as I do this year. You guys have united the whole city of Cleveland and the entire nationwide (and worldwide even) fan base with your incredible never-say-die attitude and dedication to teamwork. You guys are all fantastic role models and amazing ball players.
    You have made the sons and daughters of the Cuyahoga proud! (Especially those of us here in Husker country) Look out Red Sox, Look out Rockies… IT’S TRIBE TIME NOW!!

  81. bster67@gmail.com

    Ryan – you and the guys need to crush the Sox on Thursday. Leave no doubt! I know you can do it because I have watched you win all year on STO.

    Thanks for the sneak peak into a player’s mind with this blog. It helps me cheer for y’all even more! GO TRIBE!!!

  82. mhcat606@yahoo.com

    i know i already left a comment today, but there’s no baseball to watch so this is the next best thing….just like somebody else said in here, the whole city, state and country are behind you guys 200%. i was talking to my dad today(he’s a die hard indians fan) who’s in california, he was wearing his cheif wahoo shirt and about 20 people came up to him and told him how well the teams playing and how they cant wait to watch the game tomorrow night!! these are people all the way on the other side of the USA. dont put any pressure on your self and just go out, have fun and play the same way you’ve been playing the whole season. this has definetly been an october to remember…and i can tell you guys are no where near done!! IT IS TRIBE TIME NOW!!! i love you guys!!!!!

  83. jwall228@juno.com

    man what a game! one more win to get to the world series how exciting!i just wish i could be in cleveland on thursday but i will definitely be watching at home in yorkville il. good luck i’ve been waiting all 27 years of my life for a cleveland championship and i feel like this is the team thats gonna do it! you guys deserve it!and of course so does the city of cleveland! GO TRIBE!

  84. jas205@aol.com

    Ryan I enjoy reading your blog after each game. The Cleveland Indians are truely a team. It shows in the way all of you play and respect the game of baseball and each other. Take care of business on Thursday Night and send those Red Sox home to Boston where they belong. Goooooooooooooooo Tribe 🙂

  85. hvnlyangelbaby@yahoo.com

    Good luck tomorrow night!! I know you guys can do it! I have been so excited this year for this team, it is by far my fave team since I became an Indians fan about 15-16 years ago. It is so awesome to have Kenny back (Kenny for Mayor!!) I hope to see you double fisting in the locker room!! lol

    ❤ Your #1 Fan,


  86. emse228@gmail.com

    What can I say! You guys rock! I’m at college and as soon as the team made it to the playoffs I went out and bought a t.v. just for the sole purpose of watching the tribe! I love the thrills and excitement of the playoffs and it’s even better when it’s your favorite team. It’s awesome to watch the comraderie between the team,I mean you all individually have so much talent but then you bring it all together to create an AMAZING team bond that helps you succeed in every aspect of the game!

    Also its nice to read an insider’s perspective and not just the media’s take on every aspect of the game!

    Let’s go tribe!!!

  87. thomas_am@denison.edu

    You guys are playing AWESOME! I love watching every minute of all the games! It’s not the best time to be in college because I’m spending all my time watching you guys! But you’re way more exciting! You guys have to keep playing hard, clean ball.

    I love that you guys are having fun. You are a great group of guys with great hearts. And yeah, what happened to the pie guy in postseason? He better not have retired for the season already because there is still plenty more to play! When you’re batting or in the field, just remember 3 words… “Make yourself PieWorthy!”

    You guys have come so far this season and have made it past all the obstacles thrown in your path, and you’re so close, but I know you can do it!

    I love you guys! Win or lose, I’ll always love the Tribe! And of course, you, my favorite player!

    By the way, what happened to the high socks?

  88. clevegirl@gmail.com

    Oh no! Gark family please tell me the wedding isnt ryan’s! If not, does he need a date? 🙂

    The Jake was rockin’ last night. Tribe in Five!

  89. glenechocreek@yahoo.com

    Look at this about Bob Feller:

    “Feller also likes first baseman Ryan Garko, who befriended Feller’s grandson, Daniel, 16, during spring training.”

    Ryan is a special guy. I hope he’s with the Tribe for a long time.

    In tomorrow night’s game, those towels are going to be spinning so hard the Jake might lift off the ground. Keep grinding! Go, Tribe!

  90. dswader@lks-law.com

    I promise to change my son’s first name to Garko if you start using the theme from the Flintstones for your at-bat music effective immediately.

  91. cyns1130@adelphia.net

    This may be the only chance I get to say thank you to you for signing my rookie card of you. I hope you read all of these comments. I love the Tribe and have been a big fan for a long time. We are World Series bound. I can’t wait to beat the Red Sox. This is the year for the Indians. Go Tribe. Love ya.

  92. yankeesbuychampionships@yahoo.com

    Hey Ryan, I am getting the grill ready tonight and will be throwing some Evil Empire burgers on. I have cheese shape like dollar bills. Anybody want one? Well-Done, Medium, Medium-Rare ….

    GO TRIBE !!!!!

  93. dskinsey@sympatico.ca

    Mr. Garko, I don’t know if you read the comments on your blog…probably not since you have to practice. If you do, I just want to ask you if you’ll please, please win for my father who is 67 and ill and has been a loyal fan his whole life.

  94. tlynn@petersondetention.com

    Ryan, Congrats on an awesome season that is not yet finished!! I am a Servite Alum and have been following your career since you left for Stanford. I began coaching in 2000 right after you left there….sorry I missed coaching you! Anyway, go get ’em tonight and keep having fun. We are all pulling for you!!

  95. bobtreva@hotmail.com

    As a huge Tribe fan for 50+ years going through a lot of ups and downs, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU and all the Tribe players for such a great season. And congrats on the great job you do with this blog.

    I just have a feeling that tonight’s game is going to be a special night for you in many ways. Keep that mindset of making solid contact and good things will happen.

    We believe in you.

    GO TRIBE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  96. grunt_31@hotmail.com

    Hey Garko you guys are awesome, I have not been able to watch as many Indians games as I like but I listen on XM radio whenever I can. It’s nice to see a guy from Anahiem doing it in the bigs, I grew up in Fullerton. Good luck to you Sizemore, Hafner, Martinez and Sabathia, bring it on home tonight boys.

  97. yaee_its_lauren29@yahoo.com

    Hey Garko:
    Good luck tonight, be strong!

    Thanks for providing me a team to root for- I’m here in Texas w/my RM.

  98. seecoin@yahoo.com

    I was wondering the same thing about the wedding…that would be very disappointing…Ryan’s a hottie, and seems like a great guy with a great family. Ryan if you’re NOT getting married, write me anytime 🙂 Can’t wait to witness the magic tonight!

  99. ramblergirl21@sbcglobal.net

    Congratualations on getting this far! It’s not over yet! I believe in you guys! you guys have been AWSOME this yr! it’s our turn now to break the curse! They’ve already had thier chance to break it! IT’S TRIBE TIME NOW! My grandmother was at one of the 1948 world series games, Baseball is in my blood! Tell CC, that i think he needs to Attack these red sox like he’s been attacking hitters all yr long. Trust your pitches, trust your defense and just throw! I also think you guys as hitters need to be very aware of the first pitch strike. Be aggressive! However, watch for the **** out of the zone! I know that it is easier said than done, but I beleive in you guys! Whatever happens i am VERY, VERY PROUD of each and every one of you. Tell Josh not to worry, i’m still a big fan of his…

    Thanks for all the blogs, i really feel like i know a little bit more on how a player feels. YOu are amazing and i’m so proud of the complete player you’ve become! Good Luck and lets send those Dirty sox home crying! Take care


  100. tlee6565@aol.com

    I am posting this over here since many Cleveland fans are posting stuff over on Youk’s page. I want to make it clear that I am a red sox fan ..but do tip my hat to Cleveland and how well they have played in the series..they have maximized every opportunity and we have not. but… let’s talk about fans and fan support without all the nonsense..here are the facts… Boston sold out EVERY home game and averaged 101% of capacity for the entire year.. Cleveland ? 65.6% capacity for the year..so it is clear that you Cleveland fans are not supporting your team throughout the year..just in the playoffs… your team ranks 21st out of 30 in attendance–and this in a year when you win your division? pretty sad… more info on the popularity of the red sox..the red sox averaged 38,500 fans on the road this year.. cleveland averaged 29,400 on the road–on this measure, you were 27th out of 30.. no wonder the advertisers are very nervous. at the prospect of a cleveland/rockies World series..they will lose their shirts.. right now, the NLCS had a 2.8% ratings share..the ALCS is at 5.8%(up from last year).. this is mainly due to the red sox.. not the indians… all of that being said.. i tip my hat to Cleveland..they have outplayed the Red Sox and maximized their opportunities..but let’s hope you guys support them better next year..they deserve it.

  101. al_difranco@yahoo.com

    Man, I am so psyched about getting to attend tonight’s game! Ryan, I hope you and the boys can bring it home tonight because you deserve to see and hear the crowd response that is “ramping up” (Wedge-speak) for a pennant win. Do you all know it’s been since 1920 that the Tribe has won an AL Pennant-clincher at home?! It’s Tribe Time Now, and that means for the players and fans. Go Garko and Go Tribe!

  102. ramblergirl21@sbcglobal.net

    I know i just left a comment, but i have to say something in regards to the boston fan below my last comment…. First of all, thank to the semi kind words. However, just because we don’t go to the games it doesn’t mean we don’t watch or don’t care. me personally would rather watch most of the games at home in my living room where i can cus and swear at the tv and not have to worry about saying something infront of children or old people. I’ve watched every single game..most of the time i’m out on the porch chain smoking b/c sometimes they make me nervous most of the time it’s the late inning drama when Borowski is on the mound. Anyway, Go Tribe… Let’s show Boston that they can not buy a championship!

  103. mottillo001@gannon.edu

    Let’s Go Indians!! Cannot wait to see the outcome of the game tonight…hopefully a big W!

    I can’t watch the game because my sorority is participating in homecoming events this weekend and we need to spend all night working on the float and practicing dances, but as soon as we’re done I’m checking out THE TRIBE and how we did! We’ve had practice all week and all I did every 5 minutes on Tuesday night was ask people if they knew what the score was and I also got to catch the end of the game! Absolutely loving this. I’ve been a fan all my life because my dad is a huge Cleveland fan, but an Indians game was the first professional sporting event I ever attended when I was 9 years old and have fallen in love with the Indians and the game of baseball ever since! This team is amazing.

    Let’s wrap it up tonight, boys! 🙂

  104. tlee6565@aol.com

    Rambler girl.. i appreciate that you are a loyal fan… and wish you well in the playoffs tonight.. but .. Cleveland as a whole does not support its team– your attendance at home games this year was 28,400/game..this was up significantly from the year before (24,400/game).. showing that your fans are truly NOT consistent.. Boston sold OUT every game this year.. and last year… and last year, we did not make the playoffs.. so .. get behind your team..they are good young players but do NOT deserve to be supported at one of the lowest rates in all of baseball…

  105. roll_tribe@hotmail.com

    Does anyone really care about some fat-cat advertising executive who is worried about his already inflated rates going down because the Tribe is going to erase the aristocratic East Coast fair weather fan base?

    Yeah…didn’t think so. Go buy another pink Red Sox hat, you sal.

  106. roll_tribe@hotmail.com

    And tlee, Boston sells out every game because…

    A) The miraculous upset over the Yanks 3 years ago has given the team cache and attracts the wealthy, who are willing to pay ridiculously inflated ticket prices because it’s a cool place to be seen

    B) I believe it may be the smallest ballpark in the country…if not close to it.

    C) And you do have a legitimately large loyal fan-base.

    But you can talk about attendance all you want, slick. I’ll take the wins. Hope those stellar attendance figures keep you warm this winter.

    Oh and the Red Sox are a wealthy team because of television contracts, not attendance.

  107. tlee6565@aol.com

    fair weather roll tribe.?. Cleveland averaged 24,400/game in 2006.. 25th in the league out of 30.wow..what great fan support!!!!.. you went up significantly in 2007 to 28,400/ game..since you made the playoffs.. i.e FICKLE boston averaged over 36,000 BOTH years ..

  108. roll_tribe@hotmail.com

    Yeah, dude! Awesome stats! Maybe you can get those put on poster, and you know, like appreciate them every time you see it…or whatever it is that makes them important to you.

    Maybe because it deflects your attention from the fact that your squad has again come up short in the post-season??

  109. tlee6565@aol.com

    they are merely facts roll-tribe.. i already paid tribute to your team and how well they are playing; do you understand facts though? they do not lie.. talk to your fellow tribe fans, and tell them to start going to see their team during the regular season….

  110. roll_tribe@hotmail.com

    Facts…like the fact the Red Sox are down 3 games to 1? That kinda seems like an important fact.

    And the fact that you sit when you pee…but that’s not so much important as really embarrassing and kinda debilitating.

  111. djkourie@yahoo.com


  112. roll_tribe@hotmail.com

    One time I was with Hafner in the back of a pick-up truck, along with a live deer. Hafner goes up to the deer and says, “I’m Travis Hafner! Say it!” Then he manipulates the deer’s lips in such a way as to make it say, “Trashafner”…It wasn’t exactly like it, but it was pretty good for a deer.

  113. callmefrantic@yahoo.com

    Whoa People!!!This is not the bickering forum for sox & tribe fans. We LOVE OUR TEAM and they love theirs. Geographical location gives you no more or less knowledge or love for the game or your respective team so lets stop talkin **** about each other. When it comes to negative comments we dont give any credit to what they say and they dont care what we say, so whats the point? Anyway, lets just enjoy this, and cheer our hearts out for this Tribe team that totally deserves all of our love and support. GO TRIBE! Luv ya ryan!

  114. vsprl@yahoo.com

    “And doesn’t the record for most consecutive sell-outs belong to the Jake and it’s fans?”

    Yes that is absolutely true! I don’t know where the **** that Sox fan is getting his info and I don’t care. Please stop with it, it’s bordering on spam. Do not speak for us. We always support our teams, especially the Indians. Ask Manny about that, he of all former Indians (which ironically make up a lot of your team now) should know how he let us down.

  115. smileyone723@aol.com

    I stumbled upon your blog a few days ago. And the more I read it, the more I love this team. You write about your teammates like they’re your brothers, and it seems as though all of you guys really are a family. It’s amazing to have the previlage to watch a team that cares about each other above themselves. You guys deserve to win it all, not just because of your talent or because Cleveland hasn’t won the World Series in what might as well be forever or even just to prove that $140+ million isn’t necessary to win, but because you guys have the attitude. The right kind of attitude, and it’s just as exciting and joyful as watching every out in the postseason.

    So, thank you, good luck, keep coaching Jhonny and go tribe!

  116. tlee6565@aol.com

    start sweating.. tribe fans.. you are coming to Fenway!!! and… .maybe Ryan G can talk to Lofton about ‘how not to be a chump’ he is going to hear it BIG time in boston–ball right down the middle of the plate..and he flips his bat…

  117. tlee6565@aol.com

    oh.. and one other thing.. Mr. Josh Beckett has wrapped up the CY Young award.. Sabathia’s ERA in the ALCS 10.45 Beckett? 1.93.

  118. vsprl@yahoo.com

    God, shut up already tlee6565. It’s killing you we are leading this series. Go play on on the Red Sox blogs, maybe you guys can sympathize with each other.

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